To qualify for membership, you must:
Be an active full or part time law enforcement officer with powers of arrest.
Be employed by a government agency and receive monetary compensation, or be a retired or disabled former law enforcement officer.
Possess a valid license to operate a motorcycle
Own a motorcycle or plan to purchase one within six months.
Membership Classifications
Regular Member
Regular members must be persons who are employed as full time (32 hours per week minimum) employees of a governmental law enforcement agency or department. Such employment must be the primary source of employment for all Regular members. All Regular members must have arrest authority, meaning they must be empowered “by statute”, to arrest offenders, as defined in their jurisdiction (other than a private citizen) at all times while on duty.
Persons who have been employed and have taken an honorable separation after twenty (20) years total service as a full-time (32 hours per week minimum) employee of a governmental law enforcement agency or department are eligible for Regular membership although they may not be presently employed by such law enforcement agency or department. The person must submit letters or documentation of proof to substantiate their qualification under this section.
Retired Military Personnel who served with a job classification in law enforcement and having served in that classification for not less than twenty (20) total years before separation from the military may apply for Regular membership. The person must submit letters or documentation of proof to substantiate their qualification under this section.
Persons receiving disability income or job reclassification due to injuries received while engaged in full-time law enforcement employment or who are receiving retirement income for full-time Employment, as previously defined, are eligible for Regular membership although they are not presently employed by such law enforcement agency or department. The person must submit letters or documentation of proof to substantiate their qualification under this section.
Each Regular member must be properly licensed to operate a motorcycle by the jurisdiction in which the member resides and must own a motorcycle. Persons who otherwise qualify as Regular members, but do not presently own their own motorcycle may become members if they plan to and acquire ownership in a motorcycle within six (6) months of their acceptance of membership.
For more information on becoming a member, please contact our Membership Director, Del Drew, at